Friday 8 March 2013

The Dining room comes to life.

So, we got rid of the tigers head and the 'interesting'deep red wall, we thought it a bit too dramatic for our simpler tastes. The house documents included the original copper plate hand written deeds that we have decided to get framed, they will look great under the lights. Talking of which, we were about to throw the wall lights away and looked at the web site to see if we should ebay them. Turns out they are Italian designer kit that cost a small fortune, to we have painted them the same as the wall and now they look absolutely fab, dahlink!

We now need to get a spec drawn up for some rather complicated plumbing work in order to put in the new guest bathrooms.  We are wining and dining George the friendly local surveyor in exchange for picking his brains a bit.  Bruised by a wife-running-off-with-one-of-his-workmen type situation he came home to Yorkshire to live in a converted chapel with his dog.  Within five minutes J had cross examined out of him the information that he has now found love with a school teacher from Harrogate.  Aaah.

Here are some booring photos of the transformation.
That red just had to go,,,
white undercoat and much ladder work
And there it is.
Special thanks go out to our friendly local plumber, Mark, who heard our plight in the DIY shop and loaned us his seriously big ladders.  Despite never having met us before, he even delivered them. He has a lovely irish/yorkshire hybrid accent, and we are now obviously going to use him whenever we need plummbery assistance..Honestly, people are so friendly here.
We are also getting used to how very interested in us everyone seems to be.  We had better behave ourselves . . . . . . .
One last thing, so glad that Kyle and Kirsty will make it up here for the 15th, we have bought the young things tickets for a local (gig i think its called) beat combo as I know they wont want to be with us old codgers all the time...
Culture, we got culture by by the shed load mate.

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