Sunday 24 March 2013

An interesting week

Well, once the family members had gone on Sunday, we planned the week ahead. All to nothing of course as the snow completely screwed our plans. Learning to be more adaptable here and try and change our southern value systems. Yorkshire time is a funny thing, seems to exist to frustrate us, but its us at fault. We really don't need everything to be done yesterday any more. Although it would be nice if our Surveyor kept his promise and sent us a schedule so we can start the planning/building process sooner rather than later. I'm getting a little edgy that every week that goes by is a week of missed B&B income. Its Easter next weekend and all the places round here will be full of walkers and sightseers
So we started decorating the living room, it looked a little tired and had some serious anaglypta-like paper covered in a blue/green paint. Well that had to go, and so we went out and did the Farrow and Ball copy paint thing, in pink. I'm now thinking its going to be like that TV ad where the student house-mate paints his room wild pink and is immediately surrounded by nubile party girls. Not the case, its all very in keeping with the room and will set off Judith's framed prints very well. Thank god one of us has some colour sense.

Bloody window frames take forever.
I took a walk in to town on Tuesday morning in the teeth of a howling gale. People being blown along the pavements and our very own snowplough. It looks very pretty .
Post arrived on Wednesday with our local passports. Not really, but as good as. Now officially members of the Settle Social Club! Cheap beer and Sky Sports. Winner!
Its still pretty much like this outside, the heating works well and the log burner is a godsend. I now do that old man thing of warming up by the Gaga when I come in from the cold.
It was Sister Sally's birthday yesterday (Sat) and we are off to celebrate tonight in Lancaster at Simply French on the Quay. Judith has just put the finishing touches to her chocolate cake, if we get stuck on the road by bad weather, they may find our bodies in a week with chocolate all round our mouths, frozen stiff but well fed.
Spent Wednesday at BRI in Bradford for my MRI on my ear. Fantastic service and a wonderful dedicated team there. I came out and Judith had organised the other people waiting, giving out sage advice, magazines and sweeties to the kids. She cant help herself sometimes. I think she was a northerner in a past life. No results (I asked) and no further appointments till some time into April.
We have been out a bit (Judith's back permitting) mostly to Bar 13 where we are made most welcome and the beer , Chinook, is blond and strong and cheap. There's an obvious joke there but I'm not going to make it for fear of losing my manhood.

Ahhh, cant wait.....
Good job Judith.
Hope this bloody weather takes a turn for the better soon. Still, lots to do indoors thankfully.
More next week, so long blogfriends.

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