Sunday 3 March 2013

march 2nd

So its the weekend and we have come to a unilateral decision (well, Judith has) to have weekends off and go sight seeing and generally enjoy ourselves.
Last night we went to a benefit for Stepping Stones Nigeria (SSN hereinafter) where Gary and Naomi and Pendle college in Lancaster had teamed up to raise money for this very important children's charity in the Niger Delta. On the bill were the indomitable Miss P (Rowan to you and me) and the very funny Byron Vincent , both of whom I urge you to look at on Youtube.
Strangely, on the way to Lancaster I got this weird noise in my ear and now am a bit deef , ho hum.
Bright and early the next morning we set off for Stainforth, a small village about 3 miles outside Settle. Its perfect. First thing we saw was this set of stepping stones over the stream flowing from the hills.

There is a Rowan tree planted nearby in the memory of someone who died, far too young.
Then, we struck out to the back of the village, up the hill for a walk, its quite steep, but well worth it as after a while you come across signs to the local 'force' or waterfall.
Lots of interesting cattle on the way.
The force plummets about 50 ft into a limestone ravine.Its still a bit cold here so there were icicles clinging on to the moss on the rocks. Very pretty.

Then, we decided we had deserved a pub lunch at a charming looking place called 'the Craven Heifer' in Stainforth. I kid you not, this was possibly the worst pub food we had ever had. I asked for a chicken and salad sandwich (trying to be good, see) and got this tough-as-old-boots bits of dry chicken (warm) in a baguette surrounded by carrot peelings and raw onions. Oh, and a few rock hard , tasteless tomatoes.'sorry , were out of lettuce' was the excuse.
Now, Judith has calmed down a lot since we have been in Yorkshire, but it was all I could do to stop her making a nice hat out of it for the barmaid.

Anyhow, after that we decided to realise one of my boyhood fantasies (no, not those ones, far too rude for these pages) about steam trains and stuff, We noted with some glee last Saturday that the unmistakable Chuf Chuf and whistle could be heard from our house about 4pm , and , turns out that the charter steam train goes through Settle back from Carlisle about that time every Saturday.
On enquiring about things in general, the stationmaster told Judith about the Signal box restoration, so we trooped up the platform to have a look.
On pening the door we were overwhelmed by the welcome from the 'lads' who are driving the restoration. They taught us all about signalling and let us both pull some levers and ring bells. We even got a certificate to prove it.

Judith at the ledger.Her new fans.

Then it was time for the number 9 to pass through. Lovely whistle and no slowing down, so had to be quick on the button for pictures.

Still deaf in one ear, but I really don't mind, nurse Judith is going to fix me up later. And if I keep on her right hand side, I cant hear what shes saying! Shame really..
Off to Malham Tarn tomorrow.....

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