Thursday 7 March 2013

Malham Tarn

We decided to take some time out to go to Malham Tarn , about 6 miles away, its a sizable lake in the dales , quite high up and surrounded by sheep. The lovely old house is now a field centre for outdoor pursuits. It was once a country seat of someone quite worthy , I'm sure. Apparently The Water Babies was written there. (Charles Kingsley)
Actually, to be fair, it was a bit boring. There, I've said it. But you have to be honest in these ere blog thingummies. I was looking forward to seeing some serious bird life so we sat by the lake freezing our behinds off and all we saw was two mallards.
It is a nice house though.
Apparently they used to mine and smelt lead here too and on the drive back to Settle you pass this thing in the middle of no-where
That's a sheep next to it so you can see its not a small piece of brickwork.
In fact one thing that has really impressed me here in Yorkshire is the sheer scale of things done with just local stone. Have you seen those miles and miles of dry stone walling? And the beautiful, solid houses.
Still deaf in one ear.
Off to hosp soon for tests. Its pennance for all those Dr feelgood/Eddie and the hotrod's gigs etc that I used to frequent as a lad about islington in the 80's. Why o why did I think it cool to get as close to the base bins as humanly possible. Idiot!

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