Saturday 16 March 2013

Tables and some family and White Scar caves

Well, its been a funny old week, ending on a high note having had a lovely few days with some family and a visit to White Scar Caves in Ingleton. Very impressive and well worth the £9.50 entrance fee.
The chairs for the table arrived from the suppliers but the framed documents are still in commission.

A bit boring I know, but they look good and just wanted to see what you thought.

So, Ive been back to the medics at Bradford about my lug'ole and no change really, but the nice Dr Khan has upped my 'roids to 12 a day, to try and stop the auto immune thingummy happening. Not sure if my slight bad mood was due to these or just grumpy old man syndrome kicking in. Suffice to say I'm now my normal sunny self and loving this weekend. Albeit annoying people shouting 'WHAT' at them a lot. Sorry.
So then we set about making the house Habitable for our first-ish visitors , my Sister Sally and no.2 daughter Kirsty and her bloke Kyle. We like Kyle, hes a sweetie.
We picked them up on Friday afternoon from Giggleswick (great name isnt it. I imagine Ken Dodd went to school there) and Settle.
I know, its a really nerdy thing to do, but I make no apologies. Family far too important not to record some things.
So then we sorted out the sounds for the dining room -thanks Kyle- and went out for Dinner at The Little House which was lovely English food, well priced and some nice wines. We went for a beer before to Bar 13 and the landlady gave us a list of local tradesmen and women we can rely on. Priceless.

I made them wear my hat. Don't worry, it is Barbour dahlinks.
So this morning , nursing a bit of a thick head (toffee vodka) we guinea pigged the guests to full English GAGA cooked breakfast. Not sure if the Black Pudding went down too well. I still have to tell Kirsty what its made from. Wish me luck. Sourdough bread makes the best toast, and we needed some proper ballast on board for our trip to White Scar Caves. Ive been before, about 20 years ago and its improved loads since then, only some plonker has broken off one of the most impressive stalactites , thereby destroying at least 200,000 years of geology. I could be way out on that figure. The poor old 'Sword of Damacles' looks a bit the worse for wear.
Some Pics
Its a bit like the set of Aliens sometimes.
I took loads of pictures and some of them (most of them) quite boring, but the judges head is for Judith's old colleagues as they probably know just who this judge actually looks like.
I'm not going to bore you with the rest. Well, not many.
The poor 'ol Sword
I'm actually quite proud of this one. This is 'The Witches Head' which is quite hard to see unless you orientate  your head to the correct angle, which I have kindly done for you here. That's me, sooo bloody helpful.
So now Judith is cooking up a storm and I'm doing this when I really should be helping, its Saturday night and we are having a bit of a dinner party with wine an all. I have been told to smarten up a tad and put on some clean clothes for a change.
United are on talk sport winning 1-0 vs Reading and I've a London pride in a vice-like grip so I'm absolutely loving Saturday early evening. Oops, beer talking now so signing off. Better remember to do the spell check thing....
Finally, so sorry that Zoe, Brad and the bambinos couldn't make it just yet and hoping that Lynsey's froat gets better soon and her, Cass Joel and Manny can come over asap.
Judith's lads are due up at any time, Hopefully Laurence at Easter and Alexander just as soon as he has a moment from doing his very important work opening up Tin opportunities in Cornwall. Hes going to go mental with all the Limestone pavements and stuff here, Its a geologists wet dream.

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