Friday 29 March 2013


Its Good Friday today and me and Judith have just come back from a walk round the dales starting from our home (no driving involved, important point that)
It was from a book Judith bought me for Christmas called 'Short walks in the Yorkshire Dales' and on the front the blurb says 'Guide to 20 easy walks of 3 hours or less' Well let me tell you reader, they LIE! I suppose it didn't help that there is still lots of snow on the tops, and the higher you go the deeper it gets. We were walking at some points on drifts that covered the dry stone walls. The initial bit though, getting into the dales themselves, was a bit of an initiation rite. Its about a 1 in 3 climb on snow. There was much stopping for breath and waving other walkers through whilst pretending to be taking in the view, when in fact we were dying from exhaustion quietly inside. Anyhow, once the first mile of near vertical ascent finished, it all got rather lovely, my knee and Judith's hip stopped hurting and we were enthralled by the fantastic scenery and fantastic clean air. Just needed a dog really. there are some caves on this walk, but we didn't fancy scrambling up the scree/snow combo to get there, saving that for better weather.
The main focus of this walk is Attermire Scar. POI, a scar is the surface indication of the line of a major geological fault, so at some point sqillions of years ago all these rocks would have been moving over and under each other, the limestone and the other sedimentary rocks folding themselves round the harder older rock types. You can tell I failed my geology degree cant you?
Anyhow, its all very impressive and you don't need any qualifications to appreciate the raw beauty of this landscape. Its lovely now, whats it going to be like in the summer?
Some pictures.

Attermire scar with Victoria cave . Left is the top of a wall, so the drift is about 4-5 ft deep.

So handsome, not.

Somewhere up there is another cave. It was a lovely walk but now we are absolutely knackered and about to have small ziz. More like 3-4 hours!
The cat has started behaving strangely, stealing Judith's make-up brushes and hiding them about the house. Mouse substitute?

Another weird thing, got up yesterday and right in the middle of the landing carpet was a child's tooth, I kid you not. Don't remember seeing it there at bedtime the night before. Previous owners had 3 kids, so I'm thinking it has been hoiked out of its resting place by Mr Dyson. Or maybe something more spectral?
The Framer chap, Charles, called us to collect the Deeds that Judith got sent in the post. They are the originals and done in copper-plate on parchment. Judith has an eye for these thing and thought  they might look good on the dining room wall, along with a print that used to hang by her desk in Maidstone Chambers entitled 'The new Will' depicting a couple sitting in a solicitors office. We think the picture and documents are roughly from the same era.
Nice eh?

We were really worried about hitting the electrical cables when these went up.  I had visions of Perky flying across the kitchen with 2000v through him.  Not good.  We scoured Settle and eventually found a gismo - not called "one of those things, you know, that stops you getting electrocuted and stuff when you are putting holes in walls" (my description) but a "stud detector".  Martin caused a commotion in the DIY shop by saying that the stud detector alarm would no doubt go off if he held it up to himself!  Such a stud.  We amused ourselves by holding it against the cat for a while but eventually got the pictures up.
We invited Mrs Roberts from next door in for dinner.  She is quite a character, 87 years old and unstoppable.  As I was serving up she told me she had been a judge for the WI National cookery competitions.  It was like having Michel Roux Jnr, Gordon Ramsay, Prue Leith and Mary Berry all rolled into one at the table.  As well as knowing the actual calendar girls she does things like icing biscuits with totally accurate representations of local wildflowers. My rather free-form tarte tatin looked a bit pathetic! J


Sunday 24 March 2013

An interesting week

Well, once the family members had gone on Sunday, we planned the week ahead. All to nothing of course as the snow completely screwed our plans. Learning to be more adaptable here and try and change our southern value systems. Yorkshire time is a funny thing, seems to exist to frustrate us, but its us at fault. We really don't need everything to be done yesterday any more. Although it would be nice if our Surveyor kept his promise and sent us a schedule so we can start the planning/building process sooner rather than later. I'm getting a little edgy that every week that goes by is a week of missed B&B income. Its Easter next weekend and all the places round here will be full of walkers and sightseers
So we started decorating the living room, it looked a little tired and had some serious anaglypta-like paper covered in a blue/green paint. Well that had to go, and so we went out and did the Farrow and Ball copy paint thing, in pink. I'm now thinking its going to be like that TV ad where the student house-mate paints his room wild pink and is immediately surrounded by nubile party girls. Not the case, its all very in keeping with the room and will set off Judith's framed prints very well. Thank god one of us has some colour sense.

Bloody window frames take forever.
I took a walk in to town on Tuesday morning in the teeth of a howling gale. People being blown along the pavements and our very own snowplough. It looks very pretty .
Post arrived on Wednesday with our local passports. Not really, but as good as. Now officially members of the Settle Social Club! Cheap beer and Sky Sports. Winner!
Its still pretty much like this outside, the heating works well and the log burner is a godsend. I now do that old man thing of warming up by the Gaga when I come in from the cold.
It was Sister Sally's birthday yesterday (Sat) and we are off to celebrate tonight in Lancaster at Simply French on the Quay. Judith has just put the finishing touches to her chocolate cake, if we get stuck on the road by bad weather, they may find our bodies in a week with chocolate all round our mouths, frozen stiff but well fed.
Spent Wednesday at BRI in Bradford for my MRI on my ear. Fantastic service and a wonderful dedicated team there. I came out and Judith had organised the other people waiting, giving out sage advice, magazines and sweeties to the kids. She cant help herself sometimes. I think she was a northerner in a past life. No results (I asked) and no further appointments till some time into April.
We have been out a bit (Judith's back permitting) mostly to Bar 13 where we are made most welcome and the beer , Chinook, is blond and strong and cheap. There's an obvious joke there but I'm not going to make it for fear of losing my manhood.

Ahhh, cant wait.....
Good job Judith.
Hope this bloody weather takes a turn for the better soon. Still, lots to do indoors thankfully.
More next week, so long blogfriends.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Tables and some family and White Scar caves

Well, its been a funny old week, ending on a high note having had a lovely few days with some family and a visit to White Scar Caves in Ingleton. Very impressive and well worth the £9.50 entrance fee.
The chairs for the table arrived from the suppliers but the framed documents are still in commission.

A bit boring I know, but they look good and just wanted to see what you thought.

So, Ive been back to the medics at Bradford about my lug'ole and no change really, but the nice Dr Khan has upped my 'roids to 12 a day, to try and stop the auto immune thingummy happening. Not sure if my slight bad mood was due to these or just grumpy old man syndrome kicking in. Suffice to say I'm now my normal sunny self and loving this weekend. Albeit annoying people shouting 'WHAT' at them a lot. Sorry.
So then we set about making the house Habitable for our first-ish visitors , my Sister Sally and no.2 daughter Kirsty and her bloke Kyle. We like Kyle, hes a sweetie.
We picked them up on Friday afternoon from Giggleswick (great name isnt it. I imagine Ken Dodd went to school there) and Settle.
I know, its a really nerdy thing to do, but I make no apologies. Family far too important not to record some things.
So then we sorted out the sounds for the dining room -thanks Kyle- and went out for Dinner at The Little House which was lovely English food, well priced and some nice wines. We went for a beer before to Bar 13 and the landlady gave us a list of local tradesmen and women we can rely on. Priceless.

I made them wear my hat. Don't worry, it is Barbour dahlinks.
So this morning , nursing a bit of a thick head (toffee vodka) we guinea pigged the guests to full English GAGA cooked breakfast. Not sure if the Black Pudding went down too well. I still have to tell Kirsty what its made from. Wish me luck. Sourdough bread makes the best toast, and we needed some proper ballast on board for our trip to White Scar Caves. Ive been before, about 20 years ago and its improved loads since then, only some plonker has broken off one of the most impressive stalactites , thereby destroying at least 200,000 years of geology. I could be way out on that figure. The poor old 'Sword of Damacles' looks a bit the worse for wear.
Some Pics
Its a bit like the set of Aliens sometimes.
I took loads of pictures and some of them (most of them) quite boring, but the judges head is for Judith's old colleagues as they probably know just who this judge actually looks like.
I'm not going to bore you with the rest. Well, not many.
The poor 'ol Sword
I'm actually quite proud of this one. This is 'The Witches Head' which is quite hard to see unless you orientate  your head to the correct angle, which I have kindly done for you here. That's me, sooo bloody helpful.
So now Judith is cooking up a storm and I'm doing this when I really should be helping, its Saturday night and we are having a bit of a dinner party with wine an all. I have been told to smarten up a tad and put on some clean clothes for a change.
United are on talk sport winning 1-0 vs Reading and I've a London pride in a vice-like grip so I'm absolutely loving Saturday early evening. Oops, beer talking now so signing off. Better remember to do the spell check thing....
Finally, so sorry that Zoe, Brad and the bambinos couldn't make it just yet and hoping that Lynsey's froat gets better soon and her, Cass Joel and Manny can come over asap.
Judith's lads are due up at any time, Hopefully Laurence at Easter and Alexander just as soon as he has a moment from doing his very important work opening up Tin opportunities in Cornwall. Hes going to go mental with all the Limestone pavements and stuff here, Its a geologists wet dream.

Friday 8 March 2013

Judith's birthday and a visit to the queens at Litton

Today was a bit of a wash-out for poor Judith. She's still got this bug left over from 3 weeks ago, so theres no way we can celebrate her Birthday like we ought.
Couldn't sleep so was blowing up balloons at 5 am this morning.

Had a lazy morning, opening cards and presents, calls from friends and relatives (well done the Boys!).
As the weather a bit crap, decided against walk in favour of small tour of dales taking in the queens arms in Litton,  in the middle of no-where surrounded by sheep and dense fog.
There is a strange coincidence here. Our old Local in Sevenoaks The Padwell Arms was owned by a lady called Jane who only 14 months ago also owned the Queens. She sold it to the current owner and its manager is now the very young but capable Emily. Lovely setting and great food, well done Emily. Leek and potato soup to a very high standard and my local ham Baguette with home made piccalilli lovely too.

First, but probably not the last pic of ewe and lamb.
POI, just driving round the area we came across some Lapwing , those fellas with slightly punky hairdoos and a pair of oystercatchers rooting around in a field. Probably not too many oysters in the N York Moors, but hey, good to see you anyway fellas. As usual, camera in boot but will try and get image off web to illustrate.
Images thanks to Google images.

The Dining room comes to life.

So, we got rid of the tigers head and the 'interesting'deep red wall, we thought it a bit too dramatic for our simpler tastes. The house documents included the original copper plate hand written deeds that we have decided to get framed, they will look great under the lights. Talking of which, we were about to throw the wall lights away and looked at the web site to see if we should ebay them. Turns out they are Italian designer kit that cost a small fortune, to we have painted them the same as the wall and now they look absolutely fab, dahlink!

We now need to get a spec drawn up for some rather complicated plumbing work in order to put in the new guest bathrooms.  We are wining and dining George the friendly local surveyor in exchange for picking his brains a bit.  Bruised by a wife-running-off-with-one-of-his-workmen type situation he came home to Yorkshire to live in a converted chapel with his dog.  Within five minutes J had cross examined out of him the information that he has now found love with a school teacher from Harrogate.  Aaah.

Here are some booring photos of the transformation.
That red just had to go,,,
white undercoat and much ladder work
And there it is.
Special thanks go out to our friendly local plumber, Mark, who heard our plight in the DIY shop and loaned us his seriously big ladders.  Despite never having met us before, he even delivered them. He has a lovely irish/yorkshire hybrid accent, and we are now obviously going to use him whenever we need plummbery assistance..Honestly, people are so friendly here.
We are also getting used to how very interested in us everyone seems to be.  We had better behave ourselves . . . . . . .
One last thing, so glad that Kyle and Kirsty will make it up here for the 15th, we have bought the young things tickets for a local (gig i think its called) beat combo as I know they wont want to be with us old codgers all the time...
Culture, we got culture by by the shed load mate.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Malham Tarn

We decided to take some time out to go to Malham Tarn , about 6 miles away, its a sizable lake in the dales , quite high up and surrounded by sheep. The lovely old house is now a field centre for outdoor pursuits. It was once a country seat of someone quite worthy , I'm sure. Apparently The Water Babies was written there. (Charles Kingsley)
Actually, to be fair, it was a bit boring. There, I've said it. But you have to be honest in these ere blog thingummies. I was looking forward to seeing some serious bird life so we sat by the lake freezing our behinds off and all we saw was two mallards.
It is a nice house though.
Apparently they used to mine and smelt lead here too and on the drive back to Settle you pass this thing in the middle of no-where
That's a sheep next to it so you can see its not a small piece of brickwork.
In fact one thing that has really impressed me here in Yorkshire is the sheer scale of things done with just local stone. Have you seen those miles and miles of dry stone walling? And the beautiful, solid houses.
Still deaf in one ear.
Off to hosp soon for tests. Its pennance for all those Dr feelgood/Eddie and the hotrod's gigs etc that I used to frequent as a lad about islington in the 80's. Why o why did I think it cool to get as close to the base bins as humanly possible. Idiot!

Sunday 3 March 2013

march 2nd

So its the weekend and we have come to a unilateral decision (well, Judith has) to have weekends off and go sight seeing and generally enjoy ourselves.
Last night we went to a benefit for Stepping Stones Nigeria (SSN hereinafter) where Gary and Naomi and Pendle college in Lancaster had teamed up to raise money for this very important children's charity in the Niger Delta. On the bill were the indomitable Miss P (Rowan to you and me) and the very funny Byron Vincent , both of whom I urge you to look at on Youtube.
Strangely, on the way to Lancaster I got this weird noise in my ear and now am a bit deef , ho hum.
Bright and early the next morning we set off for Stainforth, a small village about 3 miles outside Settle. Its perfect. First thing we saw was this set of stepping stones over the stream flowing from the hills.

There is a Rowan tree planted nearby in the memory of someone who died, far too young.
Then, we struck out to the back of the village, up the hill for a walk, its quite steep, but well worth it as after a while you come across signs to the local 'force' or waterfall.
Lots of interesting cattle on the way.
The force plummets about 50 ft into a limestone ravine.Its still a bit cold here so there were icicles clinging on to the moss on the rocks. Very pretty.

Then, we decided we had deserved a pub lunch at a charming looking place called 'the Craven Heifer' in Stainforth. I kid you not, this was possibly the worst pub food we had ever had. I asked for a chicken and salad sandwich (trying to be good, see) and got this tough-as-old-boots bits of dry chicken (warm) in a baguette surrounded by carrot peelings and raw onions. Oh, and a few rock hard , tasteless tomatoes.'sorry , were out of lettuce' was the excuse.
Now, Judith has calmed down a lot since we have been in Yorkshire, but it was all I could do to stop her making a nice hat out of it for the barmaid.

Anyhow, after that we decided to realise one of my boyhood fantasies (no, not those ones, far too rude for these pages) about steam trains and stuff, We noted with some glee last Saturday that the unmistakable Chuf Chuf and whistle could be heard from our house about 4pm , and , turns out that the charter steam train goes through Settle back from Carlisle about that time every Saturday.
On enquiring about things in general, the stationmaster told Judith about the Signal box restoration, so we trooped up the platform to have a look.
On pening the door we were overwhelmed by the welcome from the 'lads' who are driving the restoration. They taught us all about signalling and let us both pull some levers and ring bells. We even got a certificate to prove it.

Judith at the ledger.Her new fans.

Then it was time for the number 9 to pass through. Lovely whistle and no slowing down, so had to be quick on the button for pictures.

Still deaf in one ear, but I really don't mind, nurse Judith is going to fix me up later. And if I keep on her right hand side, I cant hear what shes saying! Shame really..
Off to Malham Tarn tomorrow.....