Wednesday 27 February 2013

Well its been nearly a week since the move was underway and now we have been here for, let me see, just 6 days. The kitchen is almost unpacked (Judith) and holes filled and repainted (martin).
George the friendly surveyor came round for coffee and is going to consult on our building works, once we have taken compromising pictures of him and his fiance Helen.

Judith Putting up the log store ready for tomorrows delivery.

These Ceilings are bloody high, had to get big step ladder

There are a LOT of boxes

I realise this is not the most interesting blog ever, and we are off to the Settle social club tonight (hope they let wimmin in!) so may have some more interesting stuff to tell soon.
I will leave you with some shots today of our walk up the carlsberg crag at lunchtime. It really is beautiful and one of the reasons we chose this location to carry out our new venture. The last shot is off my iphone and shows a half naked man up a rope on the crag.

The Naked Man Cafe
Half Naked Man climbing...
That's all folks, More about the visit to the club at a later date...

1 comment:

  1. actually I think this is a very interesting blog! My friend Viv spotted it and put me on to it (via facebook of all things) and I have gone back to the beginning to follow your excellent adventure from the start. OH and I are thinking of moving to Yorkshire too and I'm interested to see how you're getting on.

    Best of luck, keep up the blog entries

