Sunday 24 February 2013

Well, it sort of sneaks up on you and hits you on the back of the head, this moving thing. one moment I'm still at work and doing that horrible commute over the QE2 bloody bridge, the next I'm newly ensconced in Settle , Sally has been for the weekend and Judith and me are absolutely loving it.
Maybe I should go back a bit....

We both gave up our jobs as we were fed up with the daily grind. Im no spring chicken, and as much as i think i was good at my job in medical sales, its really a job for someone with a lot more drive and ambition than I have, especilaly when you are so results driven, and have the ever present threat of P45 in post if you dont perform. I had a good 15 odd years and have just about worked for all the major Ophthalmic companies, I was running out of people to work for!

Judith has worked for 10 odd years as a Barrister in the Kent area, doing Crime. Not an easy job by any means, Early starts and late finishes, Sundays working on preparing the following weeks trials.  Having to represent or prosecute people that have done (or not done) the most awful things. Then the government bombshell of cutting legal aid and hence at a swipe taking a large percentage of what she could earn. Add to that some shinanegans at her  place of work, and the lawyering thing didnt seem to be so attractive any more. But thats just the way I see it for her, you can ask her yourself next time you meet.

So one day we are making the bed together and one of us says ' we could do this for a living!' And the germ of an idea was born. Thats all it takes, one offhand comment and the course of the rest of your life changes irrevocably.

Forward a bit...

We had about 2 weeks between leaving work and moving. So packing up our stuff, finishing off the sale of my flat, getting a skip for the bits I couldnt take to Settle etc seemed to take up most of our time. we did some nice things too, Seeing Sandy and Charlie and lots of other  friends in Kent to say goodbye. We even managed to go and see Plan B (Ben Drew) in Brighton one night. Judith got all aeriated and unneccessary and very nearly threw something innappropriate at him. We stayed over in Brighton, one of our favorite places, at a B&B just off the front in a room described as a 'Morroccan adventure' which turned out to be an ok room with a dusty Hookah on a shelf. Especialy pointless as its all non smoking of course. We had to mime getting baked!

Then, after a lovely dinner party at ours on friday night, disaster sort of struck. It was 5 days before the men in brown coats (MIBC) were due to arrive and we both got struck down with Norovirus (winter vomiting bug, AKA the lurgy). Its strange how this nasty little virus affects people differently. For me it was like some comedy sketch from little britain, spectacular eruptions from both ends (at the same time, no mean feat).

J:  Having more than one loo never seemed more desirable!

It was a joy to be reunited with the comedy removal men I used last time.  Within five minutes of their arrival I had an update on Jim's love colourful (and probably fantasy) love life and he had felt it necessary to help me down the loft ladder with a firm grip on my arse.  We had an interesting first night in Settle with two of the men sleeping on the floor on the top floor and one in the van.  Martin and me and the cat on a mattress on the floor.  Rather like being students again.

Now, despite living in complete chaos, surrounded by boxes and continuously wandering into the wrong rooms, the house already feels like home.  Sally already has her room set up and we are working out how to use the AGA.

I was hoping to meet some local characters and we have not been disappointed: today we met Jennifer and Dorothy, elderly sisters, who were out with their dog.  Nothing remarkable you might think - until I tell you that the dog was in a pram!

Martin is thrilled with certain aspects of the house and cannot yet decide which is his favourite: the ice dispensing fridge, the remote control for the garage door or the Dutch airer in the utility.  We are both preoccupied by looking out of the windows at the views.

It's fabulous here and we're looking forward to welcoming family and friends.

Some pictures of the removal.

left with only a blow up bed and 2 festival chairs.

the team
Moving more stuff

So now the real work begins, unpacking, decorating and building works to create our dream 'establisment'.
Wish us luck.

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