Friday 1 February 2013

Thanks to friends who pointed us in the direction of C4's excellent 'The Restoration Man' yesterday. It features a couple who restore an old railway water tower in Settle.In one panoramic shot over the town you can just about see our new house! It was shot in October 2012 just before Judith first went oop north to look at properties (without me, I had no leave left).
I've had a look on C4OD and its not available just yet, but I'm sure it will be soon.
The only down side is it has Michael Portillo in it, but I suppose he can't help being a supercilious git.
Spelling suggestion for portillo in word is tortilla, very fitting.
So, we have started dismantling things and getting rid of old and unwanted bits and pieces. My suggestion to Judith to rationalise her shoe collection (85 pairs and counting!) has fallen on deaf ears so I'm now suggesting a separate lorry and hoping that the satnav doesn't work.
While we wait to move we are off to see lots of friends for meals etc and have booked a few nice things to do in the evenings. Next Monday is 'The Showstoppers' at the Elgar rooms in the Royal Alfred Hall, I first heard them on R4 in the 6'oclock comedy slot and vowed to see them live some time. Improv musical comedy, you gotta love it.
Then a bit later on the 10th I think we are off to see Plan B in Brighton. Not quite sure what to wear for that one, as I'm fast approaching 57 and the average audience age will be somewhat younger .Not quite ready for the bath chair yet, but also rather too old to dress at superdry (their sizes ridiculously small) Mmm, fancy dress may seem inappropriate but at least no one would recognise me!

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