Sunday 4 August 2013

The walking wounded.

Well, Judith got back safe and sound from her parents, Dad seems to be on the mend and she probably wont have to go down again until her mothers op in September, hooray.
The electrician arrived early on Monday morning and set about doing all the snagging, but it was all rather fundamental stuff if you ask me, powering up hot water return pumps and putting in lights as per the schedule are not snags. Laurence arrived on Thursday, with hurty ankle and scabby elbow, but otherwise ok thankfully . He does however have to undergo a small op next week down south for an old shoulder injury (jujitsu) so is coming back here on Tuesday we think, to recuperate.

Here he is with his Ma, on a short walk to the river at Litton yesterday. It was a lovely day and the walk was ostensibly to work up an appetite for lunch at the Queens arms pub. Despite lots of rain the river bed was bone dry, but I took some nice shots of the surrounding countryside.
 Mother and son headed for pub
I love the lichens on this old signpost.

The vegetation in this lane make me think its probably a stream at some times too.
A small downside was that Judiths seafood platter was almost completely tasteless. If you closed your eyes and ate one of the shrimp it was like eating a small piece of slightly chewy rubber, but not as tasty.
There was a bit of untoward excitement caused by me forgetting to fill the car up with diesel and running on fumes on the way back. We spluttered into Settle a bit like a clowns car at the circus.

We are now officially in decorating defcon one phase. I had a bit of trouble mounting the small chandelier in the new front bathroom, lath and plaster all being a bit crumbly to work with. Ordered this Pattress of the net, it sort of matches the toilet seat (mahogany) and with a bit of luck and a following wind, it screwed in to the laths quite well. Not a bodge job in sight. And I just love the word Pattress. Pattress, Pattress, Pattress. All right Martin, don't wear it out.

We have a lavender plant in the garden that has been full of cabbage whites when the sun shines. The garden is looking a bit dusty, truth be told, it seems that most of the plants are early flowering, must rectify that and put in some late flowering plants.

The new front bathroom is now undercoated and the shower burnished to gleaming . Just need to put up the 'Borrowed light' F&B paint so that John can finish the fixings when he gets back off holls.

This was me this morning after painting the ceiling of the shower.
Think i'm turning into a turkey, look at that bloody neck! Gobble gobble gobble.

Off to deliver Laurence to Gig in a bit (short for Giggleswick apparently) and thence to his Dads in leatherhead prior to his op on Monday, good luck Laurence.
Then we are off to Lancaster to the Dukes Playhouse for the RSC's 'live' film of Branagh's Macbeth. Going with Sister Sally and hopefully fixing her lock at the same time.
I have I-tuned the original cast soundtrack of Calamity Jane so that I can practice my bits whilst we decorate the house. There are no rehearsals until 27th August and we have been asked to be book-free by then. Of course Judith may have actually done away with me before that!

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