Sunday 28 July 2013

Morecambe visitors

This is just a short post, mostly to do with a visit from Cass my nephew and his lovely partner Lynsey, who have just left (its Sunday afternoon on 28/7.)
Since the last offering the building work and bathroom fitting has all but finished, Hip Hip Hooray!
John the main contractor has packed his van for nearly the last time and gone on holiday, having worked like a Trojan for the last week, above and beyond his remit. I found him putting chrome shrouds on the bathroom rads , something we were expecting to look ok if painted, but he is a true craftsman and wanted it all to look 'correct' as he put it.
We had a bit of a run in with the narky sparky again, he was quite rude to us and is definitely off the invite list for the opening bash. I cant understand why some people are so bad at customer relations. I suppose 20+ years in customer service in some capacity or other will make you expect a certain level of politeness, I don't want deference just good service. Rant over, on with the blog.

This is the 'Green room' which has the partitioned off bathroom. We have had the coving done so that when its decorated it will look a bit less like someone has robbed a room for the sake of an en-suite. Which is exactly what we have done. I've cleared out all the rubbish, taken off the old gripper rods (ouch they are sharp) and now its ready for decorating. Sister sally came round last Friday to give us a hand. She and Judith set about polishing the bathroom tiles with baby oil. John asked if he could watch.

This is the existing bathroom , now the en-suite for the 'Yellow room' it is also just about complete , just needs decorating and curtains/window seat cushions. I say 'just', but am I that delusional? I reckon that it will take the two of us a week to do each room properly, to a good standard. We are getting a bloke I met down Settle social club to do a weeks decorating for us (thanks here to Jean and Harry for monetary assistance). Me and Paul have a mutual love of all things Manchester united, so I'm tempted to have a red devil motif in the hallway. Just kidding Judith.
We have been busy making 'our' bathroom a bit less like a British rail lavvy by putting up, in my usual jaunty- angled way some home comforts and mirrors , posters etc. There are now two mirrors on opposite walls and if you look at a certain angle you get that infinity effect so beloved of the Doctor Who visual effects department circa 1960. Trippy.

Poor cat has had to have her own parasol. Its funny how in hot weather they seem to elongate themselves .

And finally, Lynsey and Cass my dear nephew came over today with young Siberian Husky Rudi. We went for a short walk down to the river to see if any Salmon were leaping yet. Its quite amazing how a few days rainfall can have such a huge effect on the river, It was in full spate and very brown with peat deposits. There is a green HEP plant just to the right in this picture. Its a reverse Archimedes screw and was rotating like the clappers. It supplies power via cells to the houses by the river and any excess is sold off to the power companies. Very impressive and quite low-tech, down side is it only works when the river is at a certain level.

View over the Ribble towards Langcliffe and the school sports fields.

Judith is off again to see her parents tomorrow for a few days leaving me to deal with the sparky. Cheers.
See, I told you it was a short edition.

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