Sunday 16 June 2013


There's a lady who has been doing the teas at the half lime interval at the meeting of SAOS (Settle amateur operatic society) for a mere 60 years and she retires this summer. As a fitting send off we are doing a recital of some of her favourite numbers from the biggest shows, so I'm learning the words to 'Another opening another show' which has some interesting timings in it. One of the long serving members, Audrey I think her name is, reprised her role as mother superior from the sound of music and gave us a near perfect edelweiss, brought a lump to my throat.

We went out on Saturday night to the Victoria halls to see the Dougie Maclean trio who were very good, although it was a bit like being back at school as he strove to teach us the choruses of some of his songs. 'Caledonia' is his most famous one , I think every Scot who has ever travelled away from home must know that one.

The new bed that arrived last week has finally gone up in our bedroom. Its reclaimed wood and looks quite in keeping with the rooms other furniture. Thank you House of Frazer.
On one of our shorter walks through upper Settle we came across the local art gallery, possibly the smallest one I have ever been in. Its very Craggy Island. The current exhibition is all to do with local produce and there are recipe cards you can take, and a small video playing all about the artist, who's name momentarily escapes me. Just behind Upper Settle is a hill called High Hill. The interesting bit is that the main part of this lovely part of the Dales is called High High Hill, but the bit just here is Low High Hill.

I like the mosaic tiled floor.

Its been a busy week building-wise, We have two new members of 'Team Settle'. John has been here all week creating artistic arches , tiling our downstairs bathroom, and hopefuly we may get a useable bog by the end of next week. George the Surveyor/project manager has told us that it should be all finished by the end of July. And the cheque is in the post....
Turns out that this may be true as John is off on his holls in August, so time is of the essence.

This is our plasterer, he introduced himself as 'Big Al the ladies pal'. We told him about Judiths Big Al, that wiped the smile from his face, but only for a bit.
Here is a shot of him plastering our bathroom ceiling.

And this is Josh who works for (with?) big Al, putting the finishing touches to the wall behind which the poo pipe runs from the newly created front bathroom.

This morning we went out VERY EARLY to catch the dawn chorus over near Giggleswick.
Its funny how a ridiculously early start can mess up your whole day. And we didn't even get to see any new bird life, except a pair of Dippers near the Ribble beach.
It was very pretty though, the sun comes up a bit later than advertised due to the peaks being in the way to the east of us, and it was a bit cloudy, but that just adds to the scene as the rising sun finally reflects off the gathering thunderheads and makes for a spectacular show.

 I really must get myself a polarising filter, it looked much nicer than this, honest guv.

Cattle seem to roam free across the hillsides here. You have to remember that cows with calves to foot can get angry if you seem at all threatening, so probably best to detour round a group like this. The Longhorns up on the tops look much more dangerous than these, but apparently are as soft as puppies.

Well , its Sunday now and I was pleasantly surprised this morning when Judith brought me tea in bed and two cards from my daughters Zoe and Kirsty for fathers day. She had hidden them from me as they must have arrived last week. Its amazing how much joy a hand written card can bring, especially when you cant just pop over and see them any more.
This morning we went over to Langcliffe to an open studio event where 3 of Yorkshires finest artists were exhibiting their paintings and sculptures. I'm glad to see that a fair number of pieces had red dots on them, I'm told that means they are sold.

I'm a bit sad as Judith is packing to go see her parents for a week as her dad's poorly, and her mum needs her there. I will just have to deal with the builders on my owneo. There is also a funeral for her to go to on Saturday, a lovely girl called Jo who's life has tragically been cut far too short at the age of only 33.

Time to don some old clothes and do some wallpaper stripping  (John sets us 'homework', menial stuff so he can get on with the real buildery, artistic bits)

See you in a week or so, as long as I survive the builders.

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