Friday 7 June 2013

End of the third week, the Somme revisited.

So, its the end of week 3 and much has been done. We warned that there might be a couple of weeks where 'It might be a little messy'. They were right, its like every room in the house has been destroyed. we now have to go to the loo in the attic conversion bathroom. When you want a bath, there is a great big hole in the wall opposite.
The partition that is to be the en-suite for the 'Green room' has moved on apace and now looks like Mr Fritzel might be proud of.
Its very dark in there. To the right will be a built in wardrobe.
The drains are all but finished , Tom the new boy has done a sterling job at creating a new manhole. Artistry in brick and cement.
During the week we decided to replace  the Kids safety mats that had been laid in the turf under their swings. Judith phoned the local supplier who for some reason or another didn't want to meet us at the depot, but at at a lay-by near Skipton. We needed about 20 Sq M and it came to £30.
Its pretty easy to lay as long as the ground prep has been done.

So this is 30 quids worth of grass we bought off a bloke in a lay-by near Skipton. The prosecution rests its case, Your Honour.
We have also been back to the woods near Astwick . I know we keep banging on about this place but it is truly lovely. At the moment the bluebells are out in force and on a clear day you can see for bloody miles over the sweep of the moors.

On the way to Oxenber woods we heard a strange bird call, and over a dry stone wall was an odd looking bird with a distinctive bent beak. My photo of it is rubbish but here's one from the net.
Its a Curlew, I think.
I'm usually behind the camera, but just for a laugh Judith took a picture of me in my shorts . Hope this doesn't put you off.
We also went over to Lancaster well, Silverdale and had a lovely walk across the bay, stopped at the wolf gallery for tea and cakes. On the way home we went on the back roads across Benson Moor . Just driving up a steep incline we spotted a Hare, first one I have ever seen up close. Far too quick for my camera though.
Instead, here is a bad picture of some shell ducks (I think) looking for small crabs in morecambe bay, just off Jenny Browns point.
As is the Perkins tradition, I have decided to do some thing so far outside my comfort zone its almost painful to write about it. Ive gone all Am Dram. I went to my first rehearsal at the old courthouse in Settle  (every Monday 7:30 sharp) and was SO nervous. Haven't been on a stage since shifting scenery in the 4th form at my old skool,  Hoverer, I'm on sort of familiar ground here as I'm a bit of a fan of the film and know most of the songs off by heart. I don't read music so getting the timing right during the men's bit in the chorus of 'Whip crack away' proved somewhat embarrassing as I kept on coming in during the Girls part. Tickets for the show in autumn will be on sale here. I expect many of you to swell the audience if only to jeer.

Well, that's off my chest at last.
We also went over to Hawes in the Wensleydale area of the N york moors on Thursday for a short walk up to the waterfall with the longest water drop in the UK at Hadraw , Hadraw Force.
Its quite nice but we found Hawes a bit too touristy, theres loads of pubs and tea shops and bunting everywhere. The falls were OK but you have to go through a pub to get there, the Green Dragon, which is really old and lovely, actually much nicer than the falls...

The building comes on apace, Its not quite so much of a swamp now, the Sparky arrived today (Sam) who is a wiry red headed young man who has just too much energy. He has been attempting to sort out our ground floor bathroom but we think you may have to stand in the bath to put the lights on, something not quite right there.

Today (fri 7th June) Ian the delivery boy (he's 67) from Merritt and Fryer's turned up with all our bathroom stuff. Judith couldn't resist a lie down in one of the slipper baths. All the gear is spread over the top floor and we have to inventory the lot this weekend to make sure its all there.

And finally, here it a shot i like of a drystone wall up on Gigglesworth scar. Is it sheer bloody-mindedness that makes someone build a wall to separate one area of Limestone pavement from another? This slope is about a one-in-three gradient and must have taken forever as its miles from anywhere. Not even the sheep go there.

Well time to go , We are off to see a band tomorrow night at the Victoria hall in settle, My sis sally may come over and I may attempt to cremate some beef on the barbecue if this lovely weather holds up. Oh, and I'm very proud of myself for fixing the electric roller door on our garage, thank you Youtube for the video on how-to, saved us a whole stack of cash.

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