Wednesday 11 December 2013

Start, stop

Well , the house is finished and we have had a 'dry run' last weekend when my daughter kirsty and her boyfriend Kyle came up as did Laurence ( all the way from Southampton ) and several friends from Lancaster and environs .
Ostensibly to see me and the cast in calamity Jane but I suspect it was really for the blue pig breakfasts we will be offering .

Well, That last para was written some time ago, and as some of you may know Its been really grim (cant seem to find the right word, oddly) here. What was going to be our grand pre-Christmas opening has been delayed due to Judith's Dad sadly passing away. As you know he'd been unwell for some time so we decided to blue-light him to Yorkshire so we could look after the both of them, save Judith having to go south every few days . That's the problem when you move away....
Anyway , we looked after him as best we could, turned our bedroom into a makeshift ward and got in all the local healthcare professionals we needed,(thank you nurse Sally) and they were fantastic. Too many to name but thank you all. Sadly Harry passed on shortly after he got here, but he was surrounded by his family and I hope he had a less stressful passing than if he had stayed in his nursing home. We have decided to look after Judith's mum for a while and postpone the opening until after Christmas. Seems like the right thing to do.

Anyway, we, being responsible adults of sound mind and body decided we needed cheering up. So we went out and got a dog! Actually, we have been wanting to get a mutt since poor old rocky died just before we got here. Its a bit of a sin really to not have a dog when you live somewhere like Settle. Place sort of lends itself to dog ownership. So we looked on-line for a week or so before we found him. he's a rescue dog from the Keighley area and he was called Ern, but is now known as Jim, as we like Jim, its after that book, Narrow boat to Carcassonne, that we both liked, where they had a long dog that we both imagined must be the best dog in the world. And here he is.
Those ears, a bit Grommit ,no?

And he's not really a baby substitute at all.

This taken today at Kirby Lonsdale whilst Judith and mum doing some retail therapy.

Thought I'd include some Pics of the cast from Calamity Jane.
here's an ugly bloke in a beard.

This is Graham , Steve and John, who saved my sorry ass several times during the shows. Forever in their debt.

We have had the Settle lights go on, it really does look lovely, despite some of them failing on the first night. I joined the SAOS 'concert party' for carolling this year, and we did a few off the back of the van for the crowds, It were ace. We are doing a bit at the old folks home this Thursday too.
Judith's lad Alexander came up whilst his granddad was poorly, brought some washing (natch) and I got this one of his mum trying to wrangle them dry over the Aga. And she's not a short woman! 

We have been out a little, this is Goredale Crag near Malham. Its lovely at this time of year, hardly any other people about and the force is well stocked with water, this pic doesn't really do it justice.
Sorry its been so long, but we've been a bit preoccupied what with one thing or another. The web site is all constructed and we are raring to go , so watch out for a post with all the details.
Judith says hi and sorry for not posting any Christmas cards this year, we are going to write to everyone early in 2014. If I don't get time to do another blog before then, we would just like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year
Martin and Judith..



  1. Hurrah! Lovely pics and the stories of No 3 at Settle. You were missed!

  2. Sorry to hear about you're sad news... good blog not to long Martin.
    ..mike and I are ploughing our way through HBO deadwood worth a look see...a might different from Calamity jane .that doggy looks a nice jim. Have a happy and peaceful christmas xxxx
