Sunday 19 May 2013

May 2013

We went for a short walk today as the sun had at last deign'd to make an appearance. Went up to Austwick again to see the wild flowers on the hills. Oxenber woods populate the area bounded by a short walk from Austwick, on to Feizor and then round the hill back to Austwick again. Lots of limestone pavement and its still a bit too early for the full spectacular that will be the bluebell extravaganza that is just around the corner.

God I look fat in this picture. And I've been to the gym today.

Its quickly becoming one of my and Judith's favourite spots. Its an easy walk and the pub 'the gamecock inn' is a nice reward for an hours toil up into the dales. There are orchids, wild violets, wood anemones and bluebells out at the moment, and its glorious.

Wild orchids

Kids playing in the stream, and yes, we did ask the responsible adult who they were with if it was ok.Its a shame you have to ask, but there it is.

The stream , a bit further towards austwick.
We got back an hour or so ago and the sun was still out so I took some photos of the outside in the setting sun. It rises over these hills to the east , and sets behind the garden by the tree house.

Ive no idea why this bloody awful pic of me has appeared again, but I'll be damned if I can find out how to get rid of it!!

Google need friends at the moment, if anyone from there would like to send me on a bloggers course, I would be most humbly accepting.

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