Monday 8 April 2013

second room finished...And trip trip to The Cave...And the Peatbog Faeries!

Well, this was how the living room looked 4 weeks ago. Its a lovely space with two huge windows
So we set about it, covering the grey/blue walls and painting all the woodwork. Judith is now very good at widow frames, having made the mistake of leaving the masking tape on a tad too long. Apparently, if you do that it masks very well but refuses to give up its hold on the glass. Much scraping and elbow grease later the goop comes off.
I have also replaced the cracked glass in the front of the wood burner. Strangely, its a bit harder to light now.

Cat seems to like it.

Pictures and mirror up, curtains re-hung etc.
Its the second week of the Easter holidays and Judith's son Laurence came to stay for a week. We took him out walking a lot and we visited the Gym where I did too many arm exercises and now my tits hurt.
Laurence and Judith. Loving the hat.

How to measure the width of asbestos rope for the new glass.Not recommended.

Laurence going into Victoria cave inside Attermire Scar, woefully ill equipped with the smallest, weakest torch possible. Me and Judith stayed outside in the sunshine eating home made Victoria sponge and drinking coffee.
Our visit to Malham cove was good too, its a lot more accessible (kids climb up in plimsolls) and the limestone pavement is huge, it reminds me of the surface of giants molars. There was meant to be some peregrine falcons nesting in the letterbox-shaped caves at the top of the cove, but must have been out shopping when we got there. Two brave and very cold RSPB members were trying vainly to get us interested.
View on the approach to the cove. S'funny, I always thought a cove was a coastal thing, Turns out not.

Mother and son. Ahh.

The nesting site for the falcon pair. Unfortunately out shopping.

from this picture you get some of the scale of the cove

Pied Wagtail. I know, they are as common as, but nice to see all the same.

Heron spotted looking for fish in the beck.
It was Judith's birthday a month ago and I have been trying to get her that special something ever since. We settled on some tickets to go see Muse at the Etihad (man city's ground eugh) but having trouble as they are being sold on at really extortionate prices for crap seats. That's on June 1st . Fear not says Judith, for on that very same day is an interesting and viable alternative. The Sausage Special from Skipton to Carlisle includes in the price Locally brewed beer, a sausage in a bun and a man playing the accordion. What more could a gal ask for?
I have been putting off posting this episode for a while as we keep on doing interesting things.For instance last night we went to the Victoria hall in Settle to see the Peatbog Faeries, a Scots band from one of the Islands who play a great blend of Scots reels mixed with folk/rock, a very danceable mix which we did aided by some bottled Black Sheep beer and the sheer enthusiasm of the packed hall. 300 people can make quite a noise.

Sally got me this tshirt which I was brave enough to wear around farmers, although having met some of them my views on badger culling has mellowed a bit. Are we too sentimental about animals we like to look at . The lives of the small farmers in the dales is hard enough without soft southerners like me giving them a hard time over something that doesnt directly affect me. There, lecture over, time to post...

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