Tuesday 15 October 2013

Carpets and Cornwall

Well readers, its all coming together rather quickly now. Brian the roofer finally turned up to put the vent slates in so that John could finish off boxing in the vent pipes from the 2 new bathrooms. Here he is on t'roof. Yes, that is a harness he's wearing, the one it took him 6 weeks to find....

The guys from Mounsey's arrived and have put in all the carpets. This is Andrew and Paul and the cat who is just loving it all.

Bedroom 1 (not very imaginative, I know)

                                                            Andrew and his son Paul
With new lens I took some publicity shots of the front for a change. We are the one on the left.

A few weekends ago we came across the local rugby team at home whilst taking the afternoon air. North Rbblesdale are a great team , I may have to learn the rules .
Then last weekend we went on a bit of a road trip to drop in on Judith's mum and then on to Cornwall to see Alexander and his girlfriend Meg, visit his mine, do some walking, meet her parents (!) and generally chill out for a few days,
This chap was going like the clappers across Watergate bay.

Watergate bay . Its out of season now and lovely. We were blessed with some fine weather, I'd forgotten just how lovely it is down there. We were staying at Alexander's new penthouse pad in Newquay, its lovely and we know one day he will put those curtains up! No, really, we had the best time, and the Curry with Megan's mum and dad was brilliant.  Thanks Helen and Richard, hope to see you in Settle some time.

We took a  trip out to the old mine workings at Botallack, again on another lovely day, the old engine houses, smelting areas, rough mines and general scenery are beautiful if somewhat sad. Could you hear the echoes of the children as they worked to harvest the arsenic from the walls of the brick tunnels?

 I know, what is Judith doing with Father Christmas? Or is that Howard Shipman or even uncle Albert? ' Blimey Rodney, did I ever tell you about the time me and my shipmates.....'

The engine houses are slowly being reclaimed by the sea, but I reckon if you get down there soon you are in for a treat.

Alexander and Meg. Hi folks.

Alexander had to work on his mine project on Friday so Meg kindly had some time off to show us round Padstow. Another lovely place that maybe should be re named Stein town there are that many Rick Stein eateries/ bars/ hotels there. We did have some prawns and chips of his sitting by the harbour. Chips done in beef fat. Mmmmmmm.
We also went over to St Ives to the Rum and Crab shack that is run by one of Meg's Mates. I had this Spider crab that looked as if it could eat me. And lots of rum. After a few it was easier to say 'The crum and rab shack.
Lobster trap markers in Padstow harbour.
Well that's it for now. We are in the process of 'dressing' the rooms now so I'm not going to put up any more pictures of the rooms until its all finished and then do some sort of comparison pictures episode. I'm such a tease. The website is nearly complete and the No3 signs we have had made we are picking up on Thursday from the makers in Rippon. As you can see from the previous picture my beard is now worthy of the 'Charlie from Nantucket' part I play in Calamity Jane, the rehearsals are coming along ok and I just about know all of my 6 lines and when to say them. Sally has gotten me (see what I did just then?) a coonskin cap and is coming over on Friday for a hat fitting. If you Google 'coonskin cap' and look at the images, there is a lovely picture of a man with a tame Raccoon on his head. Don't think I can carry that off though.
See y'all soon folks.